When you think of sustaining a serious injury in the workplace, what probably comes to mind is a situation involving construction, factory work or another obviously dangerous job. This makes sense, considering that these sectors experience the most fatalities.
However, any type of worker is susceptible to injury, no matter how seemingly safe. According to the Insurance Journal, the most common category of injury is strains and sprains, and the most common causes of injury are slips and falls, both of which are relevant to any job. That means that teachers can and do get hurt at work, too.
Common injuries for teachers
School floors are often wet due to cleaning, spills and rainy weather. The slippery surface leads to a high risk of slips and falls, which can result in strains, sprains or broken bones. Teachers also make many repetitive movements, such as writing and typing, that can lead to strains and sprains. Sitting or standing all day can cause back pain.
Even subject matter can prove to be hazardous. For example, a shop teacher or sports coach has a greater chance of experiencing an accident and injury. Toxic substances such as asbestos, cleaning chemicals and mold are also causes of workplace injuries for teachers.
Stress and violence
Being a teacher can be a stressful profession, especially for those who work in a hostile environment or have problematic students. Another rising factor is the violence that happens in schools due to students and homicidal intruders. Teachers may have to break up fights or may become the target of physical outbursts. Schools must take the necessary precautions to make the area as secure as possible not only for students, but also for staff. Negligence on their part is worthy of legal action.
Violence and stress influence mental health, making conditions such as PTSD and anxiety potential workers’ compensation claims if the psychological damage happened along with or because of physical harm.