Working two jobs makes it possible for you to cover your family’s living expenses comfortably. However, should you ever get hurt in a workplace accident, regardless of fault, you could find yourself worrying about how you’ll pay your bills. Fortunately, your employment status at the job you had an accident at means you are eligible for workers’ compensation.
To maintain eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits, consider the following pointers.
File an accident report ASAP
You must notify your employer about any incident that occurs on the job that results in personal harm or illness. The law limits the time you have to file this notification. Missing the deadline could result in benefit payment delays, reduction or a claim denial. If your injuries prevent you from contacting your company’s HR department, an attorney or a personal representative may intervene on your behalf.
Follow up on all medical visits
Injuries are not always obvious or as severe as they appear. To help give credibility to your workers’ compensation claim, you should seek out medical treatment immediately following your accident and to follow all care recommendations. If you experience limitations or issues that interfere with your recovery, inform the doctor. They can inform your employer if modified work duties, job role or at home recovery are necessary and can impact your workers’ compensation benefits.
Your health is important, so is your ability to continue to financially provide for your family in the event of incapacitation. Protect yourself from the financial fallout of workplace accidents by learning your workers’ compensation rights.