Georgia workers regardless of their occupation may be interested in learning more about preventing injuries in the workplace. In the past, companies have often investigated only those injuries that have actually taken place in their efforts to increase safety. However, a new paradigm suggests it may be better to proactively investigate even potential incidents that nevertheless may have been very serious if they had actually occurred.
There can be many times in the course of operations that a potentially dangerous circumstance arises but goes unreported. For example, a worker might nearly lose control of heavy equipment or almost fall from a high platform. Although no injury has taken place, safety advocates are quick to point out that this is typically more of a matter of luck than anything else. Organizations that only give attention to actual injuries might quickly find themselves in difficulty if someone suffers life-changing harm while on the job.
In order to cultivate a more secure work environment, safety advocates recommend that employees be able to voice their concerns without fear of reprisal. In many cases, this means establishing a culture of trust between workers and management teams that allows for mutual cooperation and improvement. Whenever a potentially dangerous incident occurs, employees should feel at liberty to report it. In addition, managers can collect and review data about potential accidents to ensure that the company is on the right track in terms of preventing workplace injuries.
Employees who are injured on the job are for the most part entitled to receive workers’ compensation benefits. The process of filing a claim can often seem daunting, which is why many injured workers seek the advice and counsel of an attorney during the process.